Editor’s Letter: October
Afropean’s inaugural year has seen us head to Gambia, Morocco, Mogadishu, Japan, and all across Europe, looking with new eyes at issues of identity in the search for stories with an Afro-European twist. We have some exciting news about growing the magazine, which we’ll share with you soon, but for now, here’s a recap of some recent articles and photographs you may have missed, as well as a sneak preview at what we’ve got coming up in October.
Johny Pitts goes strolling with young British-based film-maker Cecille Emeke, finding out where Generation Y is taking TV and media in the 2010’s and beyond.
Don’t miss our competition to see acclaimed play ‘Pandora’s Box’ as well as an opportunity to write a review for Afropean.
PLUS: Marvin Gaye in Belgium, an interview with rapper and lawyer Nick Essa, Sunday poems & more…
As well as our features, we will continue to update our agenda with all the Afro-European news, events and calls for papers you won’t want to miss.
We are constantly looking for fresh stories, unique perspectives and Afro-European related essays/photography/poems. If you’d like your work to be considered for publication on Afropean.com, please E-mail submissions@afropean.com
All best,
The Afropean Team (Johny Pitts & Nat Illumine)