A seemingly idyllic remote village in 1980s Northern Sudan is hit by inexplicably dreadful events in quick succession. A search party is on the lookout
Written by Tola Ositelu *(Translated from the original French. My thanks to Anne-Muriel Kouadio and Pascale Ranson for their additional input). Pulchérie Feupo is a Swiss-Cameroonian
Juno (Maia Watkins) is concerned about her best friend, Venus / V (Jessica Murrain). She is more withdrawn since becoming the talk of the town
Why do our heroines have to be ‘beautiful’? Can a female character… just be? What is it saying about literature that we as women still
Fresh from the success of her award-winning play ‘Under My Thumb’, writer Cassiah Joski-Jethi is not resting on her laurels. She’s back with a brand new
Un week-événement dédié à la créativité afropéenne autour de spectacles, rencontres, ateliers, c’est le Massilia Afropéa à la Friche la Belle de Mai les 28,